
Our visit with the genetic counselor went well today. The test results from Joey’s tissue suggest a very small risk of repetition. Mosaicism is possible, but not likely. We were told that we could elect a CVS or amnio to know for sure, but both carry the risk of miscarriage and given the odds, it wasn’t necessarily a risk we were willing to take. We decided that if the nuchal translucency results showed risk of genetic disorder and we elected to have a CVS or amnio based on those results that we would add the test, but that it wasn’t worth it alone.

Fortunately, the ultrasound showed a definite nose bone and only a very small pocket in the neck. We’ll need to wait for the blood work, but the ultrasound indicates a healthy baby.

We told our son this morning. He was very excited. He told both his teachers and shared the news with my family at the dinner table by saying, “we’re going to have another baby.” He thinks it will be a boy-we will see! He’s been right about a lot of things so far!

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